Tuesday, January 19, 2016

First Post: My Experience with Wine So Far

How much experience do I have with wine? Not very much. I grew up in a beer household where the preference for drinks made with barley, wheat, and hops outweighed the desire to drink fermented grape juice. Not to say that we didn't have wine. When my parents had some, my dad favored the Two-Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's and my mom would sip small glasses of a sweet white wine made with apples.

My horizons broadened a little when I started having dinner with my boyfriend's family. His dad had a more extensive collection than mine and always offered a taste with dinner or a plate of cheeses. Most of the time, I didn't like it very much. I noticed that I tended to like the fruitier and sweeter wines as opposed to drier, oaky wines. I usually favor whites over reds, but I'm not exclusive.

In this class, I hope to learn more about how wine is made and how different flavors are achieved. I want to know how and why different regions affect the style of the wine. Finally, I want to try a bunch of varieties and learn more about my own tastes and interests.

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